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The Rissington School
Aspire - Belong - Challenge

01451 820857

Hercules Class




Useful information:

PE is on Mondays and Thursday.

Spellings and times tables tests are on Fridays

Homework is set on Thursdays and due in on Tuesdays

year 3 4 autumn term 2024 topic web docx.pdf

 The Curriculum

Our main focus this term will be “Raiders and Invaders”. We will begin our topic looking at who were the Anglo-Saxons and Scots and why they invaded Britain.

During the Autumn term we will spend a large proportion of the term investigating and interpreting the past. We will be looking at how our lives have changed because of the Anglo-Saxons and Scots and how they influenced the world we live in today. We will use the topic to build an overview of world history and understand chronology of events.


In English, we will look closely at defeating the monster tales, in particular the legend of Beowulf and use these to inspire our own writing. The Anglo-Saxons would also entertain themselves by writing riddles. The children will have a chance to write their own riddles after looking at some Anglo-Saxon examples. In our non-fiction writing we will also study newspaper reports and write letters. All of the texts will enable the children to write from different perspectives, write stories of their own and to use evidence from a text to map out events. There will be a strong focus on improving accuracy of spelling, grammar and punctuation and the quality of handwriting. Pen licences will be awarded to those children who write using cursive and fluent script. Reading and understanding the complexities of the different texts will also have a high priority throughout all our English lessons.


In Maths, we start the term by looking at place value and we will have a strong focus on mental arithmetic (number bonds, counting in multiples, addition and subtraction facts). We will then move onto mental addition and subtraction of numbers and knowing multiplication and division facts by heart. In geometry we will be looking at the properties shapes and will be solving problems involving time and money. By the end of Year 4 it is essential that the children know and have instant recall of all times tables up to 12x and their inverse. As such, there will be lots of games and ways of remembering these facts.


Science: The children will be deepening their understanding of Animals and Humans. They will explore the importance of nutrition and will find out how different skeletons and muscles are associated with special functions. The children will study food chains and note that some animals have skeletons whilst others do not. After October half term, they will move onto the human digestive system and the functions of teeth. All of the children will work scientifically to plan their own enquiries and explain scientific ideas. 


Throughout the Autumn term, RE and PSHCE will involve a range of activities that focus on trying new things and making the most of opportunities. In RE we will be exploring the questions: “What do Hindus believe God is like?” and “What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?”.  We will also be thinking about personal responsibilities and keeping ourselves safe at home and outside. As usual at this time of year, we will think about new beginnings and participate in the usual Harvest celebrations. After the October half-term we will, of course, move onto our Christmas Celebrations. 


PE: There will be two PE lessons each week, class teachers will Inform you which days these are. PE kit may be worn to school on the days when PE takes place. PE kit should comprise: blue t-shirt, shorts/skort, long socks and suitable outdoor training shoes.


In Lower Key Stage 2 it is our aim to support the children in becoming independent, self-motivated and organised with their homework. The children are expected to read for at least half an hour each evening and note the date, title and pages read each day in their reading journal. Reading record books will be checked by adults in school every Monday to see what has been read in the last week.


Spelling lists will be sent home at the start of each term and it is then up to the children to learn their spellings for that week, ready for a spelling test each week.  A copy of the Year 3/4 curriculum spellings and times tables has been sent home already – further copies can be found on the school website or your class DB Primary page.


Homework is set for Reading and Maths each week.  Children will have a reading activity grid in their reading records to choose from each week, and Maths is set on Mathletics.


Bags: The cloakroom area for the children is VERY small.  Please ensure that all bags brought into school are of a reasonable size and that all personal property is clearly named and taken home on a Friday.  The children are encouraged to be responsible for their own belongings however, it is still worth checking for letters or emails at the end of the day.


Further detailed information regarding all trips, events and visits will be sent separately. Make sure you check your email or the school website which will have more important school dates for your diary. 


Additional Information:

Children must bring their own drinks bottle to school and which will be sent home for cleaning each day.  If your child has an inhaler, please could you make sure that it is clearly named and in date. Their inhaler should be in school to be accessed at all times. If your child requires any other medication, please could you make us AND the office staff aware.


Formal parent evenings will be held in October to discuss settling in and your child’s progress. However, if you would like to discuss any aspect of your child’s education or have any concerns at any time throughout the term, please do not hesitate to make an appointment.


Multiplication Tables Check (Year 4)

In June our Year 4 children will be taking part in their multiplication check - further information for parents on this can be found here: 
