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The Rissington School
Aspire - Belong - Challenge

01451 820857

Home Learning

please note: this page refers to our overall approach and policy for home learning.  


Reading and Mathletics form the basis for our home learning throughout the school.  Should you want additional activities we suggest paper free activities on DBPrimary - click on the image above to login. 


At The Rissington School, we believe that activities children are asked to complete at home should be meaningful.  The activities should aid their learning in class, boost their confidence and enable them to work independently out of the class room.  We hope that children and parents value these opportunities and our approach to home learning (sometimes called "homework").


Home learning involves ongoing, daily learning activities and we prioritise these for reading, spellings or phonics and maths.  Projects may cover other curriculum subjects or be based on a local, national or international initiatives, but the skills and knowledge developed through the core home learning activities will aid children's learning throughout the curriculum. 

 Ongoing, daily learning activities include:

  • Reading with parents or carers every day (or discussing what has been read for fluent readers in KS2). We ask that parents/carers record their child's reading in their Reading Journal.  Teachers check each child's Reading Journal on a Friday (Reception) or Monday (Years 1-6).
  • Practising phonics and spellings (written lists and oral practise). Children in Years 1-3 following the Jungle Club while children in Years 4-6 are provided with a term's spelling list for children to work through.  Children in Years 1-6 are tested on their spellings each week.
  • Practising number facts, times tables and calculation processes (written tasks and oral practise) using Mathletics (Years 1-6) or Ten Town (Reception).  Children also have access to Times Tables Rock Stars to improve their recall of times tables facts.  Children in Year 4 are given specific tasks on TTRS as well as Mathletics ahead of their Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check.

Holiday home learning projects offer more opportunities for creativity and focus on specific subjects or events.  Children enjoy completing these projects and share their outcomes with their friends in school upon returning from the holiday.

We also provide children with the opportunity to talk about what they've been doing at home when in class.  Children can always learn from others' experiences, so we encourage children to talk about their hobbies and activities regularly.


Home Learning Policy


Additional Resources to Support Home Learning:


















