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The Rissington School
Aspire - Belong - Challenge

01451 820857


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  • Friday 10 September 2021 Music Lessons We are delighted to be able to offer individual music lessons (at additional charge), delivered by peripatetic teachers, in school. We currently offer piano, guitar, flute and clarinet. A number of pupils left these classes last year and therefore spaces are available. Please contact the school office if you are interested in your child having music lessons.
  • Tuesday 20 July 2021 Chipmunks Pre-School Extended Hours Chipmunks Pre-School is extending its hours from September to 8.00am-5.15pm as part of the schools wrap around provision. 
  • Monday 25 January 2021 21 Days of Wellbeing We all know how important looking after our wellbeing is, especially during these challenging times! At The Rissington School we hope to help all the children and their families build the skills they need to be resilient and positive. As part of this, Mrs Barnes has developed a 21-day wellbeing programme, filled with ideas and activities to do each day to promote good health, improve focus and develop a positive outlook. We would like to share this programme with all of our school community in the hope that we can all collectively come together to build positivity and wellness during difficult times.
  • Tuesday 5 January 2021 Welcome Back! Welcome back, we hope you all had a great Christmas and are refreshed to learn!
  • Tuesday 5 January 2021 Covid-19 - Our Approach Covid-19 has meant that we have had to adapt the way that we teach. 

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