SEND information
Welcome to the SEND support that we offer at The Rissington School.
At The Rissington School we know that all children are individuals and have their own unique talents and areas of difficulties.
We advocate that “every teacher is a teacher of every child or young person including those with SEN” (Nasen, 2014) and, in line with the SEND Code of Practice 0 – 25 (2014) class teachers are responsible for the learning and progress of all children, by ensuring appropriate support and adjustments to make learning accessible for all pupils.
Our SENDCo, Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Teaching Assistants support teachers and pupils with additional provision and strategies to ensure all pupils make progress towards achieving their personal potential. This includes children who have significantly greater difficulty in learning, than the majority of children of the same age and those with a medical diagnosis or disability where any special provision needs to be made.
All children have an equal opportunity to take part in our broad and balanced curriculum and activities in school. Where necessary, special arrangements may need to be made for those children with specific needs.
Through our inclusive practices we aspire to:
- achieve maximum inclusion of all children whilst meeting their individual needs.
- provide adapted and scaffolded learning opportunities for our children and provide materials and support appropriate to children’s interests and abilities.
- make every effort to close gaps in attainment between vulnerable groups of learners and others.
- focus on individual progress as the main indicator of success.
- children with special educational needs or disability have the maximum opportunity to attain and achieve in line with their full potential.
Please contact or the school office for any queries or questions you may have regarding the special educational provision at The Rissington School.
SENCO: Mrs Lisa Loxton
SEN Governor: Mrs Hannah Dewey
Please read our SEND Information Report, SEN and Inclusion Policy and Local Offer, for more information on our SEND School Service.
Below are some useful links to services that may provide information, advice and support.
Parent Resources Neurodiversity
CAHMS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
AUKIDS Magazine - for parents and carers of children with autism