DuAl-site School
The Rissington School operates over two school sites, which are 2 miles apart. The head teacher, supported by the deputy head teacher, manages the day to day organisation of both sites, which function as one school. Both sites are supported effectively by members of the senior leadership team and adults at each site are able to quickly contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, or deputy, as needed.
"Chipmunks", our pre-school provision, is based at the Upper Rissington site for children to attend the term after their third birthday. Following this, children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are based at the Upper Rissington site. Here, they have access to outdoor classrooms.
Both Great Rissington and Upper Rissington sites offer education to mixed-age Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 classes. The children on both sites follow the same curriculum and teachers across the sites meet to plan activities, moderate work and monitor attainment and progress of pupils within the same year group so that equality of provision is ensured.
The children are citizens of The Rissington School, no matter which site they attend. Whole-school days are planned throughout the year, and the whole Year 4 and Year 6 cohorts attend residential trips to build relationships across both sites.
Our minibus is put to good use, transporting children between sites. This allows for residents closer to one site, but attending the other, to access their learning on time and also allows for siblings in different year groups and different sites to have the same start and end times in their school day.