Typhoon Class
Typhoon Gallery
Useful information:
topic web c and p autumn 2024.pdf
Welcome back to a new school year, and a huge welcome to those who are new to Upper Key Stage 2! We hope you have all had a relaxing summer and are ready for a very busy term ahead!
The Curriculum Our topic this term is “Crime and Punishment”. Our big question this term is “How has crime and punishment changed over the ages?” We will be looking at different crimes and the ways they were punished across a range of periods of history in Britain. We will begin by creating and understanding a timeline of British history, improving the children’s chronological understanding by looking more closely at the Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Tudor, Georgian, Victorian and modern time periods.
In English we will begin with a week based on ‘Croc and Bird’, a picture bookby Alexis Deacon. We will then be reading Holes, by Louis Sachar. This exceptional story will be used to inspire the children to write their own stories, newspapers, diaries, informational and persuasive texts. Supporting this will be the use of a variety of other texts, including the poem The Highwayman, by Alfred Noyes, which the children will also use to structure and write in a variety of text styles. There will be a strong focus on improving the accuracy of spelling, grammar and punctuation and the quality of handwriting. Reading and understanding the complexities of different texts will be given a high priority throughout all of our English lessons. In Guided reading we will focus on developing the children’s ability to read between the lines and infer the reasons and motivations behind characters’ thoughts and actions. When children are reading at home, we would strongly recommend that you have regular conversations with them about what they are reading and whether they are enjoying the book or not.
In Maths we will begin by looking at place value and Roman Numerals, before moving onto the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Mental recall of all times tables up to 12x and the inverse divisions is essential and mental maths will continue to play an important part in all our maths lessons. Due to their importance, we ask that you help your child to practice times tables at home regularly using Times Tables Rockstars. Reinforcement tasks can be accessed through Mathletics and this is also where we will set weekly Maths homework tasks.
In Science Biology will be the key strand this term. We will learn about the Classification of living things, where we will be making use of our outdoor spaces to apply our learning to the real world and the space we have around school. We will also cover a unit on Animals, including Humans; in this unit we will look at the circulatory system, the processes for transporting water and nutrients in living things and the importance and impact of diet and exercise on the human body.
In DT, we will be researching food and nutrition, designing and creating a product to taste and evaluate and in Art we will focus on colour, printmaking and sewing skills, taking inspiration from professional artists and craftspeople. We will also hone our drawing skills.
In Music, we will be learning all about sea shanties as well as learning lots of new songs for Young Voices.
We will continue to learn French on a weekly basis, building on previous knowledge and understanding.
In Computing we will use a number of programmes to develop the children’s technological skills. We will begin by looking at using everyday software to develop children’s computer literacy. A focus over the first term will be on Internet Safety.
In RE, we will follow the Gloucestershire RE syllabus and we will be learning about Christianity and Hinduism and In PSHCE we will be focusing on Personal Responsibility and Keeping Safe in and out of the home.
In Upper Key Stage 2, the children will participate in PE twice a week. This term we will be enjoying football and gymnastics. It would be a good idea to wear tracksuit bottoms and a warmer top for outdoor activities in colder weather.
The Year 6 children will have the opportunity to have an exciting week away in the November residential and the Year 5 children will be given the opportunity to participate in the Bikeability programme in School (details to follow).
In Upper Key Stage 2 we aim to support the children’s independence, encouraging them to become self-motivated and organised with their own homework. They are expected to read for at least half an hour each evening and record the details of this in their reading diary, to be handed in on a regular day weekly. Each term children are expected to take responsibility for learning their weekly spellings which will be available on the class DB Primary homepage, ready for their weekly tests. Each week your child will also be issued homework which will be set via DB Primary, so that children remain confident in using our online platform. Please see your class DB home page for homework days etc. Should there be any issues either accessing or returning homework, please do let us know.
Additional Information
The children are always able to drink water and will have access to their water bottle throughout the day. If your child has an inhaler, please could you make sure that it is clearly named and in date. Their inhaler should be in school, to be accessed at all times. If your child requires any other medication, please could you make both the class teacher AND the office staff aware.
It’s going to be busy but it’s going to be exciting too and we are looking forward to spending this brand new year with you!
Please look at your Class DB home page for timetable details.