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The Rissington School
Aspire - Belong - Challenge

01451 820857

Vulcan Class





Useful information:

PE is on Monday and Friday

Outdoor Learning is on Friday

Spellings are tested on a Monday

Maths homework is set on Fridays to be completed by Mondays

topic web animal magic spring 25.pdf

 Happy New Year!

This term KS1 will be answering the Big Question What is the difference between Gloucestershire woodlands and the Amazon rainforest?  The children will have 5 key enquiry questions to help them answer the Big Question.

These are:

  • Where is the Amazon rainforest and where are we?
  • How does the rainforest look different to our woodland? (Fieldwork)
  • Does the weather change in the rainforest?
  • Could you live in the Amazon rainforest?
  • Is the rainforest more important than the woodland?

The children will use maps, atlases & globes for UK & countries/continents/oceans. Use fieldwork & observational skills of the school’s surrounding environment, including human & physical features. Understand compass directions (N, S, E, W) and directional language to describe location of features on a map. Look at similarities/differences in human and physical geography of an area of the UK and an area in a non-European country. Look at seasonal patterns in the UK, and find the location of hot/cold areas in relation to Equator and Poles. They will use aerial photos for perspectives, landmarks & human/physical features. The children will learn basic geography vocabulary (physical: forest, river, vegetation, weather; human: city, town, village, farm, house, shop). Children will be able to look at similarities/differences in human and physical geography of an area of the UK and an area in a non-European country.

In English we continue to use our Success for All Phonics to to teach children how to read and our Guided Reading programme also follows this programme of study.  Please remember you can access our parent portal for lots of information about our programme and how you can further support your child at home: https://parents.fft.org.uk.  Please ask your class teacher for the passcode.  Weekly spellings will continue.  As well as learning the spellings each week it is important the children are able to pop the words learned into a sentence and this is something we will focus on in our spelling lessons as well as learning the new spelling pattern.

To engage to children in their learning we will be using high quality texts such as The Great Kapok Tree, Where the Wild Things are and Gorilla.  These texts will form the basis of our classroom reading and the writing of a variety of texts.  In narrative fiction we will focus on how to write descriptively and in non-fiction the children will learn how to write instructions. Each Monday the children will continue to have their reading books changed, these are sent home to be shared daily with supporting adults in the home.  When reading at home, please do engage with the Reading Record as a way to communicate reading practice with the class teachers.

Throughout the term the children will also have the opportunity to improve their oracy skills and will be practising to speak in full sentences, when responding to adults and each other.

In Maths The Year 2 children will have weekly times tables tests once we have begun to learn our tables in class, details will follow.  These will be short quick paced tests with a focus on instant recall. These will be based on the 2X tables and then will move onto the 10x and 5x tables. In Year 1 Maths this term will focus on Place Vaule ( within 20) , Addition and Subtraction (within 20), Place Value ( within 50), Length and Height, Mass and Volume. In Year 2 the focus will be on Money, Multiplication and Division, Length and Height, Mass, Capaicity and Temperature. 10 in 10 Arithmetic tests will continue each week based on mental key mathematical skills.  If you would like to practise these at home, please speak to your class teacher.  

Science this term focuses on biology:  Animals Including Humans and Living Things and their Habitats.  will be looking at grouping animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores as well as identifying and naming common birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and mammals in their habitats and microhabitats.

In computing the children will be developing keyboard and mouse skills by designing rockets, creating digital materials lists, using drawing software and recording data.

PE this term we will be learning invasion games. As a reminder winter, PE kit should comprise:  blue t-shirt, joggers/shorts, long socks and suitable outdoor training shoes. P.E will be continue to be on a Monday. Forest Schools will continue on Fridays so please continue to send in suitable kit, especially as the Forest are is usually muddy through the Winter and early Spring.


Expectations are:

READ EVERYDAY: We expect that a supporting adult spends time reading and listening to your child for at least half an hour each day and make a record of any reading in their reading journal.  The reading journal will be monitored by an adult (teacher, reading volunteer, teaching assistant) during guided and individual reading sessions each week. 

The children’s books will be closely monitored and re-reading a book will form a key part of reading for fluency and understanding as well as de-coding the words on the page.  As a guide, phonically decodable or banded reading books are likely to be changed each week and the children will also be asked to choose their own sharing book to take home. 

Spelling lists will be sent home each week.  Children should learn their spellings at home using the “Look, Cover, Write and Check method” as well as oral recall.  This will give them a chance to practise their handwriting too.  The children should be ready for a spelling test on a Monday, there will also be an expectation that the learnt spellings will be used in their written work too.  In addition, a copy of the common exception words has been sent home already – further copies can be found on the class DB Primary page should you need them.

Maths:  This will be set on Mathletics each Friday to be completed over the weekend. Please let your class teacher know if you do not have access to the internet/computer.

CLASSROOM ORGANISATION:  Bags, lunch boxes and pencil cases. Cloakrooms and classroom space is very limited, especially as coats get bigger in the Autumn and Winter months.  It is important that we minimise the amount of equipment brought in from home.  Our cloakroom area can become cluttered VERY quickly.  Please ensure that you use the school book bags and any lunch boxes brought into school are of a reasonable size.  All personal property must be clearly named.   We do provide individual frequent use stationary and ideally pencil cases should be kept for use at home. 

Further classroom information regarding all trips, events and visits will be sent separately.  Make sure you continue to check your email, text or the school website for more important school dates for your diary. 

Additional Information

Coughs and colds are always frequent during the winter months.  The children will be expected to maintain good hygiene and to hand sanitise throughout the day, should your child be sensitive to the school soap and hand sanitiser you may want to provide their own.  This must be for your child’s use only and should be clearly named.

Children are always able to access and drink water throughout the day, as such children should bring a named, and refillable water bottle each day.  Water bottles must be taken home and cleaned thoroughly each evening.


If your child has an inhaler, please could you make sure that it is clearly named and in date.  Their inhaler should be in school to be accessed at all times.  If your child requires any other medication please could you make us AND the office staff aware.

Class DB primary pages are also kept up to date.  Children have their own logins for this page and the easiest way to access our page is by clicking on the link at the bottom of the school website home page.  https://rissington.greenhousecms.co.uk/

Formal parent evenings will be held in February to discuss your child’s progress this year.  However, if you would like to discuss any aspect of your child’s education or have any concerns at any time throughout the term, please do not hesitate to make an appointment with your class teacher.


Phonics Screening Check & Optional National Key Stage 1 Assessments

Phonics Screening Information

Optional National Key Stage 1 Assessments Information